Friday, July 8, 2011

The Value of being Humble and Grounded

An interesting statement indeed.  

I have a habit of entering into non-work related topics discussion with my colleagues and staff.  Always include the so-called philosophical topics, which I try to impart my life philosophy to my undertakers.  

Do I have the right ones? I don't know.  But I do know one thing, 

If you are at the top, the only way to go thereafter is down.  No where else.  Scientifically, gravity defy the logics you can continue to fly upwards.  So, in my thinking, if I were to fall, I want to fall gracefully, less hurt, less painful. 
How can I ensure my falling will be cushioned abit? 

Hence the phisophical aspects of my life. 

I like to watch nature, and though I am not particularly good at remembering famous quotes and sayings, there are some that stick in my mind. Some of them in Malay, but I will translate it literally. 

Don't be like the cogongrass, but be like the paddy, the more it filled up, the more it bows down (literally due to gravity force). 
Simple and beautiful observation from the people century ago.  The message is that the more you enriched yourself, either literally through your wealth, knowledge or status, the more humble you should be.  Boasting and showing what you have are not encouraged. 

The old saying also said something like this "don't be like an empty tin, too much noise when you flick on it. But be like a full one, hardly any echo nor noise". 

Have you ever heard of the phrase "the steps you take today determine your path tomorrow"?
I don't understand this at first.  But now it is very clear to me.  Every steps or decisions you made in life must be weighed carefully. That step you are about to take, will lead you to the destination, at a point, in the future. 

Always try your best, do the best at any given circumstances, so that you will never have the "what-if" questions wishing you would've done so. For if that question is raised, it doesn't bring value anymore. No one can live the past, nor can one predicts the future. So, doing the best is what's count. 

As I was growing up, my beloved father always said this to his kids "don't do the things you don't want people do to you or your loved ones".  Particularly to my 4 brothers. He continously reminded them, don't hurt any girls as much as you don't want anyone to hurt your sisters or your daughters.  Today, all of them acknoweldge the depth of the meanings of the repeated reminders my father ramped on them.  The past will haunt us back, the good will raise us up, the bad will bury us deep. 
What's goes around comes around.
One day Karma will catch up with you. Whether it is a bad or good ones. 
Life is a complete cycle, somehow you always find yourself back to the same point.
I believe all of the above.

15 years ago, when I was working in a bank, a colleague from different department was about to get the axed. He came to me for the opportunity to join my team. Co-incidently, my department was growing, and I looked at it as an opportunity to staff my team. Little that I knew, that simple act of mine went a very long way. He is now a Managing Director of a reputable company, small but with high profitability.  I am now being repayed, not directly to me but to my loved ones who got the opportunity to be helped by him. How small the world is, what's goes around comes around, indeed.

I also met an ex staff of mine, who left the bank soon after my promotion to the position he aimed for. The tension was in the air after the step up as I suddenly became his boss, instead of his peer. Not like before.  But being a grounded person, I always tried my level best never to cross professionalism even though at time it was very tough to be one. 10 years on, I met him when I joined a different company. He was holding a high position, and guess what, he was my customer, a very important one!! Due to my professionalism, and he admitted his fault he did in the past (10 years ago), I gained instant trust and hence the ability to execute my role successfully in the new company within short time frame.  He became my champion and supported me in hard times.  Again, I've been paid for the deed I did in the past.  

Another interesting saying - the knowledge you have, share that with others as that is the only way you can grow. Impart the knowledge, so you create a space for new knowlegde to settle in. You train your staff, make them as good if not better than you, it will give you the opportunity to step forward. I am amazed when some of the colleagues I knew, felt treathen to impart their expertise to their downliners, afraid that will make them less capable. Afraid if they do so, their value will reduce significantly.  How strange.  
To me, if my staff become as good if not better, I would pat my back.  I knew I've sucessfully performed my duty, so if the next opportunity come by, I can step out easily.  Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plan.

Our self image, when strongly held, essentially determines what we become.
Try to shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Confidence on the outside begins by living with integrity on the inside.

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.

I end my mumbo-jumbo philosophical statement today with another saying that I love most.

"True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leaders". 

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